android - MVVMCross: Binding Two Way doesn't update viewmodel -
I'm trying to tie a property into a custom control in a Xamarin.Android project.
Public category MyControl: Relative layout {public supervision collection & lt; String & gt; MyProperty {Get; Set; }}
When MyProperty is updated to the ViewModel side, it updates exactly in the MyProperty view. However, if I update Myopporte to the scene, then I can not do anything.
Public class MyControlMyPropertyTargetBinding: MvxAndroidTargetBinding {Private bool _subscribed; MyControl Protect MyControl ({Return (MyControl);}} Public MyControlMyPropertyTargetBinding (MyControl Target): Base (Target) {} Safe Override Zero SetValueImpl (Object Target, Object Value) {var myControl = (MyControl) Target; MyControl MyProperty = (Observable Collection & lt; String & gt;) Value;} Public Override Type Type {Receive {Return Type (Observeable Collection & lt; String & gt;);}} Public Override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode {get {return MvxBindingMode .TwoWay;}} Public Over Aid Zero Membership Receiver () {base.SubscribeToEvents (); Var myControl = MyControl; if (myControl == faucet} myControl.MyProperty == Faucet; MyControl.MyProperty.CollectionChanged + = MyPropertyOnCollectionChanged; _subscribed = true;} Private Zero MyPropertyOnCollectionChanged (Object Sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs notifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) {FireValueChanged (MyControl.MyProperty);} Safe Override Zero (Hair Disposing) is {base.Dispose (isisposing); If (disjoint) {var myControl = MyControl; If (myControl! = Null & amp; amp; myControl.MyProperty! = Null & amp; _subscribed) {myControl.MyProperty.CollectionChanged - = MyPropertyOnCollectionChanged; _subscribed = false; }}}}
Protected Override Zero FillTargetFactories (IMvxTargetBindingFactoryRegistry registry) {registry.RegisterCustomBindingFactory & lt ; MyControl & gt; ("MyProperty", MipProtti => New Microintroduction Targeting Badding (Mepropytti)); } Safe Override IList & lt; Assembly & gt; AndroidViewAssemblies {get {var assemblies = base.AndroidViewAssemblies; Assemblies.Add (typeof (myControl) .asembly); Return legislatures; }}
Update: The same control binded on Windows Phone works perfectly in two ways.
Edit 1: I updated the target binding with the change in the archive but nothing is removed. Observeable collection is updated according to the program, not by user input.
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