ios - Background handleopenurl with Runkeeper api -

I have a problem with the Ranipiar API Background Handlepanernal when the app is running the foreground, there is no problem with it and I have no problem with RK Calorie data may be obtained from.

But when I'm background-appraised, I need to run this calorie fetch.

What is this code when the app is made to the background:

  - {NSLog (@ "Runcipper Connect"); Connect (NSURLRequest *); NSString * _authURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @? Client_id =% @ and redirect_uri =% @ and response_type = code and state = 0", [auth_url fullstring], client_id, [redirect full record]]; NSURLRequest * _request = [NSRR request request with url: [ns url URLWithString: _authURL]]; Return _request; }  

But after that it is no longer working.

Then this URL should be sent to the hendopenural, which is in APDeaget and then receives calorie data. / P>

And here is my handlamprel:

  - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application handle open URL: (ns URL *) URL {runkeeper * run-speaker; Runakipir = [Runakiper Milleron Capri]; // parsing code here (url) {[Runkupar parascodform ur: url]; [Runkeeper fetch token]; [Runaker fetch user]; [Runkeeper Fetch FeathersActivities]; [Itself .second_view showInput]; Back true; }  return false; }  

Though the handparents are not called when the app has a background What should I do? I have tried many background methods but none of them is working.

Everything: Ranipipar API calorie data works when the app is foreground but it is used to get calorie data in the background of the app. I think the problem is with the handle.


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