symfony - GuafretteBundle with Aws SDK2 -

I am trying to use goufet with AOS SDK2, and I get the following error on the cache: Clear after config:

  [ehs / common \ exception \ invalid enterprise exception] The signature value provided is not an example of S3SignatureInter  

I have setup


  "aws / aws-sdk-php": "2.6.*@dev"  

config. Yml

Services: SRCOS_s3 Client: Class: Avs S3 \ S3 Client Factory_ Category: Oh \ S3 \ S3 Client Factory _Meth: 'Factory' Logic Key:%% of Amazon_s_s_s_Keep :% Amazon_avs_sat_sat% of area: US standard ... knp_gaufrette: adapter: media_ adapter: ass_s3: service_id: 'srcos_s3 Clint 'BucketName: my.bucket options: Directory:' Media '


The problem was a mistake, the logic of service announcement (which I should have seen) must be a collection like this:


  Services: src.aws_s3.client: Category: Aas \ S3 \ S3Client factory_class: Aws \ S3 \ S3Client factory_method: 'factory' logic - key:% amazon_av_source% secret:% amazon_aws_secret_key%  


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