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c# - Microsoft word document to OLE field -

I am trying to upload the docx document to access the database. OleDbConnection conn = null; OleDbDataReader Reader = Faucet; Try {Conn = new OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source =" + "" @: "C: \ Audios \ Auditor_Artificci 20077.ACADB"); Conn.Open (); Olebey Commands CMD = New Oleadby Commands (); Cmd.CommandText = "Questions (Category, Question, Answer, Correct Answer, Comment, Reference, Question No, Change, Issue) Prices (@ P2, @ P3, @ P4, @ P5, @ P6, @ P7, P in P8, @ P9, @ P10) "; Byte [] file = file. Read AllBytes (@ "C: \ AudSystem \ rez.docx"); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ P2", 2); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ P3", file); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ P4", file); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ P5", "AD"); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ P6", "FH"); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ p7", "z...

php - Wrap array around SimpleXML object -

I get XML results from a web service, which I read as simple XML elements. Now there is a situation that results can vary depending on the configuration given by the web service. The issue is: I want to wrap an array around ordinary XML objects in "position 2", so I do not later "simplify XXXXXXconfig inside the array" and "Surfag" while processing the data. Configure the form as "the difference between the object. I have been looking for a while for a while and thinking, but by now I could not find anything. Situation 1: Many simple xx elements are returned within an array ["myConfig"] = & gt; Array (2) {[0] = & gt; Object (simple assemment) # 41 (5) {["id"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["type"] = & gt; String (1) "4" ["Comment"] = & gt; String (2) "Fobor" ["name"] = & gt; String (1) "Exam" ["attribute"] = & gt; String (5...

reporting services - Need To Calculate Percentage Difference In ssrs with multiple row and column Grouping -

I have a line and column grouping. I need the difference and percentage difference of each month as shown below. Example: march diff 2013 2014 Hyderabad 12 15 15-12 = 3 I want more than this result, I need percentage difference ---- (this year - last year) / last year I usually try to handle it in SQL and dumb report. In your case, I look at the result like this: City month month month year Dravid year's feed --------- ---- --- --- ---------------------- Hyderabad 3 March 2013 2013 12 Hyderabad 3 March 2014 2014 15 Hyderabad 3 March 99 99 Diff 3 Hyderabad 3 March 99 99% Diff 0.25 Your Row group will be the city. Your column group 1 group / sorting will be on the monthly integer, and the month displays the string. Your column group will group / sort 2 years / fid integer, and the eardid string will display. If you provide your SQL, then I can help the result look like this. If you insist on computing on this report and you have a city, date and value fie...

uislider - In a MATLAB GUI, how does one implement a continuously varying slider from a GUIDE created .m file? -

I am trying to create a GUI with a plot and a slider. The slider should be described as continuously and output. I have a problem with this explanation that the uicontrol object is programmatically created, on the contrary, I want to know that in the last three instances, to complete the same thing done according to the program What can be added to a GUI file that is created. The code is down, and I have marked the (wrong) code that is provided by some of the above examples. Thanks a lot for any help! This slider function sets P1_slider_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handle) (handle, dragon, 'string', num2str (get (hObject, 'value'), 3)) PlottheData_Callback ( HOBject, EventData, Handle)% "PlotHeadata" is a button that creates the data slider based on the value of P1_slider%, and I think that here "p1_slider_CreateFcn" (hObject, eventdata, handle) needs to be assembled (HOBJECT, 'BackgroundRoller'), (0, 'Default UITTACKBACK MANDROLLE...

jQuery Dialog Chrome issue -

I am using a jQuery dialog box. I'm facing a problem in Chrome browser $ ("# dialog"). App ('& lt; p class = "elms"> This step 1 & # 39; & # 39;); I have written the JS code in I where I am adding new material to the dialog box that was opened. But I have an AJAX request after the ADX statement. jQuery.ajax ({type: "post", datatype: "Jason", .... What is this on Chrome that the dialog The box does not say "this step 1 message." But it only displays the end result by jquery.ajax. "This is step 1 message" in the Firefox browser. After this the result has been returned with the jquery.ajax call. How do I fix this problem? Remember .dialog (); $ ("# dialog"). Attachments ('& lt; p class = "elm" & Gt; this step 1 & lt; / p & gt; '); $ ("# dialog"). Dialog (); If it does not work for you, Try: $ ("# dialog"). E...

How to run SQL(MYSQL) stored procedure in JAVA jdbc? -

I am a MySQL user and I am using the following statement in the MySQL workspace: (Based on these statements) / P> SET group_concat_max_len = 4294967295; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT ('SELECT', QUOTE (COLUMN_NAME), 'FROM (choose * from table_name * s3_01 =', coloumn1, '' 'abc', 'WHERE', REPLACE (COLUMN_NAME, '`', '` `') Not Faucet, 'Hosting COUNT (*)' SEPARATOR Union All ') Information from INTO @sql_SCAMA Columns where TabCHAMA = Database () and Tableinda = 'Table_Name'; Prepare SSML with SSMT; EXTUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE STMT; Although it works in my workspace, I do not know how it works in Java. For example, I created the following code: string sql1 = "SET group_concat_max_len = 4294967295;"; String sql2 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT ('SELECT', QUOTE (COLUMN_NAME), 'FROM (select * from PTC_weight) where S3_01 =', column 1, '' ABC '', 'WHERE', repeat (COLUMN_NA...

c# - Polling the right way? -

I'm software / hardware engineer with some experience in C and embedded technologies, and currently I'm doing something in C # (.NET) I'm busy writing apps which are using hardware for data acquisition. Now the following, burning for me, question: For example: I have a machine in which there is one end to find the last place of a pivot. Now I am using the USB Data Acquisition module to read data. Currently I am using a thread to read port-states continuously. There is no interruption on this device. My question: Is this the right way? Should I Use Timers, Threads or Tasks? I know that there is something in the poll that most of you "hate", but any suggestions are welcome! IMO It depends very heavily on your exact environment, but before that: in most cases you have threads Should not be used Low voting interval: Timer and voting in tick . Work Medium: Waiting for Tasks and Tasks Delay (delay) High: Using tasks and threads. Sleep (delay)...