java - Adding A An ArrayList, that is stored in a SQL database, to a table in jForm -

My problem is currently that I am unable to get my room list for my hotel management GUI, my jTable.

My current code for this is:


  Public AERLIT < Cell & gt; GetRooms (Connection Con) {ArrayList & lt; Cell & gt; Room = new ArrayList (); String sqlString1 = "select from room" + "order by room_ID"; String sqlString2 = "SELECT TABLE_NAME" from USER_TABLES; Statement made statement; Try {statement = con.prepareStatement (sqlString1); Results reset rs = statement.executeQuery (); Int i = 0; While (rsnext ()) {i ++; Println (rs.getString (1)); System.out.println ("Just Add Room NB" + i); Rooms.add (new room (rs.getInt (1), rs.getInt (2), 0, "string string"); } Statement.close (); } Hold (exception e) {System.out.println ("Access failed - RoomRooms"); Println (e.getMessage ()); } System.out.println ("Room Surfing Size:" + rooms.size ()); Return room; }  

cell class:

  public class room {Private id ID; Private Intimate Room ID; Private Int RoomBookingId; The name of the private string; Public room (int id, int id format id, int roombuying id, string name) {this.Id = Id; This.RoomTypeId = RoomTypeId; This.RoomBookingId = RoomBookingId; This.Name = name; } Public int getId () {return ID; } Public int getRoomTypeId () {return RoomTypeId; } Public int getRoomBookingId () {Return RoomBookingId; } Public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Set Id (Ent ID) {this.Id = Id; } Public Zero setRoomTypeId (Int RoomTypeId) {this.RoomTypeId = RoomTypeId; } Public Zero SatuBooking ID (Intel Roombooking ID) {this.RoomBookingId = RoomBookingId; } Public Zero Setname (string name) {this.Name = name; }}  

and my jTable implantation:

  Public HotelGuiForm () throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {initComponents (); Default tabloadmodel dtm = new default table modal (); ArrayList & LT; Cell & gt; Rooms = New Arrestists & lt; & Gt; (); Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); String string cone = "jdbc: oracle: thin: @ 1521: data; user; cphsh241; password; cphsh241"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (stringCon); Java.sql.Statement state = con.createStatement (); Results reset rs = state.executeQuery ("select from Room_Booking"); As a result metadata rsmetadata = rs.getMetaData (); Int column = rsmetadata.getColumnCount (); Vector column_name; Columns_name = new vector (); Vector data_roo; Data_rows = new vector (); For (int i = 1; i  

Every time I run a project, I get a bunch of JDBC errors, which I can list here:

  at oracle.jdbc .driver.T4CConnection at Oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection & lt; Init & gt; ( at oracle.jdbc.driver.fysicalConnection. And lt; Init & gt; (Physical Connection. Java: 715) .logon ( Oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection ( Java on java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection (DriverManager.javaEND_BOLD71) on oracle .jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect ( at 64) .sql.DriverManager.getConnection (DriverManager.java3333) on the presentation. HotelGuieform. & Lt; Init & gt; (HotelGuiForm.java46) in the presentation. Reason: by The listener declined the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS: the listener is currently Do not know about the SID given in the connect descriptor on the connectate, oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.connect (T4CConnection.java1360) (NSProtocol. Java.63) nection ( .7272) .logon ( ... 8 more  

Does anyone see the underlying problem, because I see it He fails in area, and it's really bugging me, as I am now working for a few days.

I really appreciate it if someone can help me with it.

Thank you.


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