android - how to add several images in a listview after getting their names from the sqlite database -

I have an Android application that uses esclaims and after receiving the data, it should appear in a list view .

My question is how to display images?

Can anyone help me ???

This is my code

// But here is this hall listing to display the same image to display each image in its true place? For

  (int i = 0; i <49; i ++) {ImageView imagenow = (ImageView) Convertview. FindViewById (; // flag1 int imageid = context.getResources (). GetIdentifier ("Brazil_flag", "Drawable", context.getPackageName ()); Imagenow.setImageResource (imageid);  

Will help to think in terms of MVC

    < Li> Create a layout with the list that contains images in each element
  1. Create an adapter to read images from the database
  2. In the activity, use the adapter to fill the images in the list. For


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