storage.objects().compose() not working -
I am using the GCS JSON API via Java. To insert objects, delete my objects, objects, copy objects do all great work, but for some reason I can not get the storage. Oject () Compose () does not matter if I get 400 or 500 errors for working. Even when I'm going to use the "try it now" feature to write on the Google website, then I get the same error. I should have something unmatched.
Here is my code:
collection object metadata = new storage object (). SetMetadata (ImmutableMap.of ("OriginalFileName", OriginalFileName) .setContentType (contentType) .setAcl (ImmutableList.of (New ObjectAccessControl). SetEntity ("allUsers"). SetRole ("READER")); // List for list of lists & lt; SourceObjects & gt; SourceObjects = New Arraylight & lt; Source objects & gt; (); {SourceObjects.add (New Source Object.) SetName (objectName + "Spry" + i) for (Int i = 0; i & lt; = chunkNumber; i ++); } Composerext Compose Reich = New Compose () .setSourceObjects (Source Object) .setDestination (Metadata); () Write (Bucketnam, Objectname, Composerec). Execute ();
And I'm getting the error here:
500 {"code": 500, "errors": [{"domain": "global "," Message ":" backend error "," cause ":" backend error "}]," message ":" backend error "}
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