signal processing - Fitting a curve in MATLAB using lsqcurvefit -

I am trying to fit the data with MATLAB using the lsqcurvefit function, but I have some difficulty MATLAB me Message.

  Local minimum possible Lsqcurvefit was closed because the size of the current step is lower than the selected value of the step size tolerance. & Lt; Stop Criteria Details & gt; Optimization stopped because the current stage model, 5.578610e-021, is less than the option. TLX = 1.000000e-020 Customization Metric Option Value (Step) = 5.58e-021 TolX = 1e-020 (Selected)  

I tried to change TolX and TolFun but only one thing The program that has changed has taken the age to complete now.

The function I am trying to fit is:

  function P = dIdV (delta, e, t)% delta EV% e gamma eV% In T = 0.00001; % Four curve arr = zero (size (E)); A = -E (Length (E)) * 10: E (Length (E)) / 750: E (Length (E)) * 10; For I = 1: Length (E) arr (i) = trapz (A, (fermidirac (-i (i) + a, t) - fermidirac (a tt)) scdos (-i (i) + a , Delta, gamma)); End% derived b = zero (size (e)); Number = 49; For I = 1: length (E) - points P = polyf (e (i: i + digit), arm (i: i + digits), 1); B (floor (number / 2) + i-1) = P (1); Last% vector size is returned to original k = 0: roof (number / 2) b (k + 1) = b (floor (number / 2)); B (length (E) -K) = B (length (E) - cecil (number / 2) -1); Finally, p = b  

is fermidiak

  function p = fermidirac (e, t)% e in kev kev kev kb = 8.617343 * 10 ^ (-5); P = 1 ./ (1 + exp (E./ (KB * T)).);  


  function n = SCDOS (E, delta, gamma)% E EV% delta in EV%% Undefined N = ABS (actual ( (E-1 I * Gamma) ./sqrt ((E-1 I * Gamma) ^ 2-Delta ^ 2).));  

Whatever I am calculating is the DI / DV curve, which is for a superconductor at any temperature, I should get the value for the energy difference (delta) through fittings. .

I'll post my data here, but it's 10000 points long, so I'm not sure how to post it. I tried to filter my data to smooth the curve, but there is no benefit. I have also tried to use different intervals.

Any suggestions on how to do this work are welcome. Better ways to fit are also welcome.

EDIT: The blue line of data is derived from the calculated data in the above given function, the red line is filtered data and the green line is the theoretical curve. I'm trying to fit the red color in green.


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