java ee - Tomcat not Executing load-on-startup in Fedora -
I have a servicelet that is load-on-startup 1 (/ load-on-startup) in web.xml , Because I want to start some stuff while starting the badge to preserve the request time. In MyEclipse 2014 supporters, when I start Tomcat 8.0.3, it actually starts that servicelet in Fedora 17 x 64 (from when I use Tomcat: "Service Tomcat Start" this bus Does the original badge start and does not really start that the servlet is run to handle my specialty a special order? What do I earn to enter in Fida, so that it actually starts my web.xml, while this Tomcat starts?
I posted the app locally in my AMD and then I have copied / pasted the content of Tomcat / WebApp / Root / * using WinSCP on the server in DigitalOcean
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