sql server 2008 - Full text search is not working if search for characters anywhere in the string -
I have created a full text search index on the client reference column, but it does not work if I use any type of characters Want to search for where in string?
string = 'ABCDF'
This will not work;
where SELECT * offers ([client reference], '* BC * *')
but if I use the prefix So it works. Select
from which the proposal contains ([clientreference], '' A * "')
Someone has so far mentioned that "this is not possible, you only Can search based on words, but can not search on the basis of characters within the word. "
Any where in the '223' string?
If you do not have too many text and / or many lines (millions of +), instead of instead of
you use
While doing better service. * Select from proposals where '% re%' like a customer '
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