Push Notification for particular device in Android -

Hello in my application I want to send a notification to the specific device. Please tell me how to add this code to me. Many devices do their work, but I want to send them to specific devices.

  import com.parse.Parse; Import com.parse.ParseInstallation; Import com.parse.ParseUser; Import com.parse.PushService; Import Android.app; Application; Public class parse application increases the application {@ Override Public Wide On Critique () {Super. Connet ()); // Add your initialization code here Mercury start over; These, "YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY"); //Parse.initialize (this, "", ""); . ParseUser.getCurrentUser () getObjectId (); . ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation () saveInBackground (); Parse intelliase (this, "C2XKDNMEElzMeghthd 9juS41FFF9Regice2EFX", "EL5VOX 8KMGFUAF 613D9PJLHVCM8AV7MTVV5HH8"); PushService.setDefaultPushCallback (this, abc.class); }  




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