Convert Oracle Hierarchical Query To SQL Server -
I am data migration from Oracle to SQL Server 2008. I've got a scene in which the following questions:
/ P>
Last ordered by SELECT limit_phrase, LTRIM (MAX (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (res_val, ',')) KEEP (doer) , ',') aS concat_limit fROM (SELECT limit_phrase, SUBSTR (UPPER (RESULT_VALUE), 1, INSTR (RESULT_VALUE, '-') - 1) res_val as, ROW_NUMBER () over (range limits (SUBSTR by _phrase ORDER UPPER (RESULT_VALUE), 1, INSTR (RESULT_VALUE, '-') - 1)) as QRS, ROW_NUMBER () over (SUBSTR by Sima_fres order based on the border (UPPER (RESULT_VALUE), 1, INSTR (RESULT_VALUE, ' - ') - 1)) 1 As limit_fraz_tree is from lpe, limit_frease_ is Su lph WHERE lpe.limit_phrase = lph [identity] and lpe.comparison = 'P') GROUP BY border _phrase connect = first subject and Sima_abian = before connecting with limit_phrase = 1 curr;
As you can see that some Oracle functions and monomox do not translate into SQL Server, for example, hierarchical queries: START WITH .... Connect; How about going to change the selection statement in a SQL server statement over? (Particular ... ... coupe (current order by dense_rank)?
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