Hiding the Status Bar under Android 4.2.2 (SDK 17) -

It is possible to hide the navigation / status bar permanently under Android 4.2.2. It seems that Jelly is not working under Bean.

I have a Galaxy Tab 3 (10.1) and the status bar draft has no effect.
Start on every screen that is hidden on the application, but I can extend it. The problem also occurs after removing the device

Someone has encountered it before (how the video is also fixed): forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=37466852

So my question is: Is there any way to do this at the application level?

No, it seems that there is no way to do this so that you can access your entire app on Tablet 4 Let's go on. +. Also, it is completely disabled, it never seems that it is not possible.

However, the solution you linked works for Android 4.2.2 (testing on the 10x tablet on Nexus S and Emulator) when it works, it reloads the status bar If there are some user interactions for navigation permission (for example, by pressing the menu button on the phone), it means that you plan to spamming the flag.

I was personally trying with this code in my code:

  see decorView = getWindow (). GetDecorView (); Int uiOptions = View SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN; DecorView.setSystemUiVisibility (uiOptions); // Remember that // status bar is hidden, you should never show action times, so hide it if necessary. ActionBoard ActionBar = Matching Actionbar (); Actionbar.hide (); As a result: 


4.2.2 With the phone the action bar also disappears, it does not seem possible for tablets.

From hiding the status bar, it seems that Android 4.0 or less, you will be able to set a fullscreen flag for the entire app and it will be done with it, but it will change the code piece above has given.

Next, say this:

SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN while setting the flag, this flag enables the "low profile" mode for the system bar or navigation bar Does. Navigation buttons also dim and hide other elements in the system bar. Enabling this is useful for creating more immersive games for system navigation buttons without any deviation. / P>

So I think this galaxy tab 3 requires something to be played around these types of flags and does not really help hide the status bar, rather it "looks less" Likes to ..

Finally, there are some great examples in this method if you are still interested in ensuring that the status bar is hidden in your application.


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