ruby - `gem install berkshelf` in windows fails -

I am using this package to use chef in windows

When I run $ gem install berkshelf , I get this error how can I fix this error?

  The path is being temporarily extended to include DevKit ... Country Extension Building may take some time ... Getting: dep_selector-1.0.3.gem (100%) Original extension building may take some time ... Error: Error installing berkshell: error: Failed to create gem country extension C: Check for /opscode/chef/embedded/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb (main) --lgecodesupport ... yes check for main () --lgecodesupport ... yes check for main () -lgecodekernel . .. Check in for yes (main) - LeggcodeInt ... check for (main) in -lgecodeminimodel ... for main (check in) -lgecodesearch ... make makefile make dep_gecode-i386-mingw32 Define_dummy_init.cxx cc1plus.exe: Define_dummy_init.cxx cc1plus.exe: Warning: Command line option is valid for "-Wdeclaration-after-statement" C / O cc1plus.exe: Warning: Command line option "-Uplip-Function-declaration" C Valid for the dep_selector_to_gecode compilation .cpp cc1plus.exe: WARNING: Command line option is valid for "-Wdeclaration-after-statement" C / O cc1plus.exe: f TAWN: The command line option is valid for "-Vidit-Function-declaration" C contains from the file C: /opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dep-selector-libge0 , From C: /opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gram/def-collector-libg E45, C: /opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1 / Gems / dep-selector-libge from dep_selector_to_gecode.cpp: 20: c: / opscode / chef / embedded / lib / ruby ​​/ gemstone / 1.9.1 / gemstone / Depth-selector-libcocode -0.0 / lib / dp- SLC pscode / chef / embedded / lib / rabbi / gemstone / 1.9.1 / gemstone / deputy-selector-libseccode 1.0.0 / Lib / dep-selecto Calculation Finish Creating: *** [dep_selector_to_gecode.o] Error 1 gems files will remain in C: logoff result in /opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dep_s C: / opscode / chef / Embedded / Lib / Ruby / Gems / 1.9.1 / Gemstone / Dip_Silcutter-1.0.3 / Extra  

This is my environment.

  $ ruby ​​-v Ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22) [i386-mingw32] $ where Ruby C: \ opscode \ chef \ embedded \ bin \ ruby.exe < / Code> 


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