windows - How to read Bluetooth Low Energy RSSI in Java not android -

I have a Bluetooth low energy USB that is based on Ti CC 2540, I just need to scan RSSI values Other beacons use my computer and save it in the database (MySQL, etc.), is there a Java library which does this? I know how to do this in Android but I have to do it on my PC which is working on Windows

I'm working on a Linux platform with similar applications.

The first C-program that searches for BLE enabled devices through the terminal, make sure that you have set up blues and BTM

  strcpy (command, "pseudo. / Btmon & hcitool lescan "); System (order);  

Run the file compile and run through Java and read the console's inputstream.

  Processor Builder = New process builder ("/ beacon"); Builder.redirectErrorStream (true); Process process = builder.start (); InputStream = process.getInputStream (); BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader);  

People get you the stream of data that you can view for RSSI values ​​and export them to your database.


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