tomcat - SymmetricDS Error 404 during registration -

I am trying to synchronize nodes with cimetric aids, but I have some problems. I deploy the war on Tomcat 7. It starts, creates tables and everything looks fine, but other nodes can not be registered and when I go to the registration URL, I get 404 responses.

Other nodes that are trying to connect:

  could not register before sleeping for 4000 MS before trying again. This node is unregistered. It will try to register using registration. Failed to read batch batch because: http: // localhost: 8181 / sync / registration ... by:  

The server has this setting:

  Registration.url = http: // localhost: 8181 / sync sync.url = http: // localhost: 8181 / sync auto.registration = true  


  registration. Url = http: // localhost: 8181 / sync auto.registration = true  

What is wrong with the server running the Tomcat Manager Show?

There was a problem with the URL ... correct:

  Http: // local host: 8181 / warname / sync  


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