ssh - How to quickly check if a private rsa key still works for a bunch of servers in bash? -

I have a list of several servers if key on private hand can still be used to login with SSH There is a need to check (actually does some work on them).

If I use the ssh -i / path / to / private_key administrator @server_host . It just keeps asking for the password: password for admin @ server_host:

What can I do to avoid this kind of lightness, and gather information? When the private key does not apply to this server?

You can tell ssh to allow password authentication to be used:

For this reason, SSH will exit immediately if private key does not work.

If you want to exclude it even if you succeed, just add that command to the end:

  ssh -i / path / to / private_key -o Password authentication = any admin @ server_host exit  


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