javascript - Get all items in NotesXSPDocument -

In my notes database, I audit when the document is saved. Lotuscript is very easy, I take the original document from the server (oDOK), then in the document that I have modified (MDOC), I loop a follower who receives the names of each item; Hold the same item from the ODoc for all items in the MDoc.items, execute a function with new items as an argument that will run a case statement that will see if there is an area in which we Care about If so, then I update a set of list values ​​in the document with "when", "who", "what field" and "new value".

I'm doing this on server side script. In this endeavor, I discovered some interesting things;

The current documents are notes-SSP documents, in which everything was changed.

currentDocument.getDocument () includes pre-conversion values, it also gives a notes document that contains the "item" field through which I can run.

The thing is, I need something similar in the notes p.pdicast. Is there no way in the repeated loop to get the names and values ​​of all the objects from there?

There is a broken code (currently this note is running through the document item, but these are old values. I want to run on XSP document items instead)

 < Code> function phenowice edit () {var original document: notes document = current document.jet document (); Var oItem: Notes; Var oItems: java.util.Vector = original_doc.getItems (); Var easter = oItems.iterator (); While (iterator.hasNext ()) {var oItem: NotesItem = (); Item = currentDocument.getItemValue (oItem.getName ()); If (oItem == undefined) {var MasterItem = ScreenAudit (doc, item, is true) if (MasterItem) {true return}} else {if (item.getValueString ()! = OItem.getValueString ()) {var MasterItem = ScreenAudit (doc, item, this is true); If (MasterItem) {return true}}}}  

both versions

you receive After submitting a document - original and one with it:

Basic: var Basic documents: Notes document = current document. Tags ();

changed: var changed_doc: notesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument (true);

In this way you can compare objects for changes

However, there is a danger: currentDocument.getDocument (correct) "Original_doc" after telling "changed_doc" for the reason that both variables move to the same document are also converted values. This is the reason why we get all the values ​​from currentDocument.getDocument () into a new temporary document and only after converting values ​​with currentDocument.getDocument (true) Must have to copy. As an alternative, you can read the basic documents from the server like what you do in LotusScript

This is a code to detect items that have changed as a starting point.

  at original_doc: notesDocument = database.createDocument (); CurrentDocument.getDocument (). CopyAllItems (original_doc, true); Var changed_doc: notesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument (true); Var oItems: java.util.Vector = original_doc.getItems (); Var easter = oItems.iterator (); While (iterator.hasNext ()) {var oItem: NotesItem = (); Var itemName = oItem.getName (); Var cItem: NotesItem = changed_doc.getFirstItem (itemName); If (cItem.getText ()! == oItem.getText ()) {print ("changed:" + itemName); } OItem.recycle (); CItem.recycle (); } Original_doc.remove (true); Original_doc.recycle ();  


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