ios7 - iOS TapGesture not working -

I initially had a label and added a gesture identifier. It was working, I added the same gesture identifier to another label, stopped working on the first label and continued to work on the second label, which is very incompatible. Sometimes it works on the first label and sometimes happens on the other. Even the behavior on the device is similar. Any ideas please.

Visual Control implements the UIGestureRecognizerDelegate Protocol.

  label1.tag = 8; Label2.tag = 9; UITapGestureRecognizer * Taperexizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Auto Actions: @selector (foundRecognizer :)]; TapRecognizer.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1; TapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1; [Set tactic set: self]; Label1.userInteractionEnabled = Yes; Label2.userInteractionEnabled = Yes; [Label 1 adiastariotiszer: tapprice]; [Label 2 addGestureRecognizer: Tapraciser];  

says, "A gesture identifier touches the hit-test for a particular scene That's all the subwives of that scene. It should be related to that view in this way. "I think it is not possible to associate a signal indicator with more than 1 scene.
I will create 2 gesture identifier in this way and assign one to each of my labels.


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