css - How do I align this div to the bottom-right/left in the parent div? -

Therefore, I & lt; Div = id = "action"> below & lt; Div = class = "right"> In the code you can see that I tried to do it with relative and below situation: 0 but it does nothing. I can float to the right so that's fine so I have to take it down. Right now it keeps under the lower part of the text.

  echo "& lt; div class = \" product \ "& gt;"; Echo "& lt; div class = \" left \ "& gt;"; Echo "& lt; div style =" width: 225px; Height: 180px; Background: #ccc \ "& gt;" . $ Obj- & gt; Product_img_name "& lt; / div & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / div & gt;"; Echo "& lt; div class = \" right \ "& gt;"; Echo "& lt; form method = 'post' action = 'update.php' & gt;"; Echo "& lt; h3 & gt;" . $ Obj- & gt; Product_name "& lt; / h3 & gt;"; Echo "& lt; p & gt;" . $ Obj- & gt; Product_desc "& lt; / p & gt;"; Echo '& lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "verb" value = "add" />; '; Echo "& lt; input type = \" hidden \ "name = \" id \ "value = \" $ obj-> id \ "/ & gt;"; Echo "& lt; div id = \" action \ "style = \" status: relative; Bottom: 0; Float: Correct; \ "& Gt;"; Ek $ obj- & gt; value; Echo & lt; Input type = \ "text \" name = \ "volume \" /> "Echo" & gt; Input type = 'submit' value = 'add to cart' & gt; "Echo" & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; "Echo" & lt; / Div & gt; ";  

I thought it might not be due to being in the form, but I tried to put a claim below the form that works relative work but it still does not work .


  .wrapper {width: 824px; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 auto; background: #eeeeee;} .right {height: 200px ; Width: 550px; float: right;} .right p {font-size: 0.95em;}. {Width: 250px; float: left; padding: 20px 0}; .products {height: 200px; margin- Bottom: 50px;}  

if .action can be located exactly

  .right {status: relative; / * other code} .action {status: absolute; correct: 0; Below: 0; / * Other Code * /}  


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