c++ - Why is DMatch in OpenCV a struct and not a class -

So far I have noticed that every type in the C ++ interface is a class why DMatch is still a struct, when the documentation It has to be said that it is listed as a class here:

"keypoint descriptor for class match: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index, and distance between descriptor." < / P>

or the obscure one in the context of the class is simply

think the DMatch / opencv-master / modules / core / doc / basi C_structures.rst Looking for information on why OpenCV is still using structs in its C ++ interface.

In addition to documenting files in the form of a cloud, for example

  DMatch ------ .. ocv: class :: Demache client's the key point descriptor: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index, and the distance between the narrator :: class DMatch {public: DMatch (): queryIdx (-1), trainIdx (-1), imgIdx (-1 ), distance (std :: numeric_limits & LT; float & gt; :: max ()) {} DMatch (integer _queryIdx int _trainIdx, boat _distance): queryIdx (_queryIdx), trainIdx (_trainIdx) , ImgIdx (-1), distance (_distance) {} DMatch (integer _queryIdx, integer _trainIdx, integer _imgIdx, _distance float): queryIdx (_queryIdx), train Idks (_trainIdx), Aimjiaidiaks (_imgIdx), distance (_distens) {} Int queryIdx; // Query descriptor index intake train idx; // Train Descriptor Index Index; IIMIdx; // train image index float distance; // is a much better bull operator & lt; (DRMA & amp; M) Const .; };  

No problem, I found that it was also listed in the core dock. As a class in the form of below ... so I'm just going with that ... Thanks for helping this on

  No problem, I found that this core The dock was also listed. [Here] (http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.html?highlight=dmatch#DMatch) as a class ... so I just with that ... Thanks 'm going to the aid has been matched by critical point descriptor for Dimc Class Dimc Class: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index, and the distance between the descriptor. Class DMatch {public: DMatch (): queryIdx (-1), trainIdx (-1), imgIdx (-1), distance (std :: numeric_limits & lt; float & gt; :: max ()) {} DMatch QueryIdx (_queryIdx), trainIdx (_trainIdx), imgIdx (-1), distance (_distance) {} DMatch (int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, int _imgIdx, float_distance): queryIdx (_queryIdx) , TrainIdx (_trainIdx), imgIdx (_imgIdx), distance (_distance) {} int queryIdx; // Query descriptor index intake train idx; // Train Descriptor Index Index; IIMIdx; // train image index float distance; // is a much better bull operator & lt; (DRMA & amp; M) Const .; };  


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