MySQL - RANDOMLY choose a row in a 14Millions rows table - testing does not make sense -
I'm looking at the web to select a random line on the big table, I have found many results, but Then I analyzed my data and found out that the best way for me is to count the rows and one of these is to select random one with LIMIT
I wonder why this works:
SET @t = CEIL (RAND (*) * (Select number from the logo Ed))); Select from logo ID WHERE current_status_id = 29 and logo_type_id = 4 and activate = 'y' and id & gt; = @ T ORDER ID range1;
and gives random results, but does it always give the same 4 or 5 results?
Select from WHERE current_status_id = 29 and logo_type_id = 4 and activate = 'y' and id> gt; = CEIL (RAND (* * * Logo logo select MAX (ID)) ID limit 1;
The table has many fields (about 100) and many more indexes. More than 14 million records and counting When I make a random selection, it is almost not that I have to choose it from the table, I have to always choose on the basis of different field values (all indexes).
Is this a bug version of my MySQL server ( 5.6.13-log creation distribution
There is a possibility that in this statement:
RAND () WHERE in a WHERE section is re-evaluated every time it is executed.
is not always true really it is true when you do:
where rand () & lt; 0.01
To obtain a sample of approximately 1% of the rows. Perhaps the MySQL adapter says something like "Oh, I'll evaluate the subquery to get a price back. And, to be just more efficient, I defined that line before defining with rand ()
I will continue. "
If I have to guess, then that will be the case.
Another possibility is that the data is arranged so that the values you are looking for include one line ID in them. Or, it may be that in the beginning many lines have small IDs, and then there is a huge gap.
Your method of getting a random line is not guaranteed to go back. When you're filtering the results, I do not know if this is necessary for you.
Check to see if this version expects you:
Connect the logo to SELECT ID (maximum max Select the logo from the ID) C WHERE current_status_id = 29 and logo_type_id = 4 and activate = 'y' and id> = rand () * ID by maximum limit 1; If so, the problem is that the maximum ID is being calculated and then it is an additional step to multiply as the execution of the query by rand ()
. begins.
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