I want to construct a hexine plot in matplotlib where the width of the line for each hexagon is an act of the number of observations That drop in hexagon I think it would be useful to add an additional level of conclusions to a hexine plot. So far, I have the following code: import as nppy import matplotlib. PLT x = NP.RAM.Armim as the PPL (0,1 , 1000) y = N.P.Ram.Andyam (0,1,1000) z = N.P.Ramand.Eniform (0,1,1000) fig = PLT Figure () ax = fig.add_subplot (1,1,1) ax.hexbin (x, y, c = z, gridsize = 50, edgecolors = 'white') it creates Is a hexine plot where the color of bin is an act of the average z value for x, y in the bin is there any way to determine the number of comments in each of the functions of the width of the hexes line width ? Eventually I need a thick line for low population hexes. This should result in small visible hexes. Just give linewidth as an array with the same length x, y . Import as MMP import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.rand...