java - AdMob - Error inflating Class -

I can not add ads to my Android app, I tried to work on it in the last 6 hours and research into improvements Have done, but nothing seems to work! so frustrating.

Here is the code:

  setContentView (R.layout.splash); in this(); LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById (; AdView = new ad view (this); AdView.setAdSize (AdSize.BANNER); AdView.setAdUnitId ("a14ff402be4457c"); Layout.addView (adview); AdRequest adRequest = New AdRequest.Builder () .addTestDevice (AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .build (); AdView.loadAd (adRequest);  

But I get an error:

  Unable to start activity - android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line # 17: Enhanceing a class com Error.  

Is anyone sure? I am using the Google Play services jar file, not general adobe 6.4.1.

You have the wrong AdView in your layout file.

You have the package in your layout as Google Play services , not your Currently (possibly ) usage


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