html - Background slider is distorted on mobile. (WordPress) -

I am a full page slider for the background of my site, it works great on the desktop. However, when I switch to a mobile device, the picture becomes very distorted and there is a black difference on the left side of the page which is not quite good.

Look at the attached photo for a scene or drag it to your phone, url

Is there any way to resolve this with some CSS?

Arrow is pointing to an empty area on the display

(Edit) CSS as requested:

  #supersized {display: block; Status: Sure! Important; Background size: Cover! Important; Left: 0; Top: 0; Hidden flurry; Z-index: -999; Height: 100%; Width: 100%; }  

Physical Background Image CSS:

body {background-image: url ( /2014/04/starry4.jpg)! Important; Repeat Background: Repeat Any! Important; Back-to-back attachment: Sure! Important; Background-Size: 100%! Important; Width: 100%! Important; Height: 100%! Important; }

Only the maximum width of 767px CSS:

  @ Media (max-width: 767px) {.hidden-desktop {display: inherit! Essential; } .view-desktop {display: none! Important; }. Visual-Phone {Display: Heirs! Important; } .hidden-phone {display: none! Important; } .woocommerce ul.products li.product.one_fourth, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product.one_fourth, .woocommerce ul.products li.product.one_third, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product.one_third. Woocommerce ul.products li.product.one_half, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product.one_half, .woocommerce .cart-collaterals .cross-sells ul.products li.one_fourth, .woocommerce page .kart-collaterals .cross- Sals ul Products li.one_fourth, .woocommerce .cart-collaterals .cross-sells ul.products li.one_third, .woocommerce-pages .kart-collaterals .cross-sells ul.products li.one_third, .woocommerce .cart- Collaterals .cross- Sells ul.products li.one_half, .woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals .cross-sells ul.products li.one_half, .one_sixth, .one_fifth, .one_fourth, .one_third, .one_half, .two_third. Three_found {display: inline; Swim left; Margin-right: 0; Hidden flurry; Status: Relative; Width: 100%; } .fimage-align-right, .fimage-align-left {float: none; Text align: center; Margin-left: 0; Margin-right: 0; }}  

Why would you use the slider for the background of your site if it's a Is the image? I advise not to use the page slider as a background and instead use an image instead of just styling it in CSS. There is a drop in CSS when its size changes, if you have set the slider as a background, then you have to go through the CSS when it is recycled.

If you want to use an image, then use CSS, so that it does not scroll by using the background-attachment.

  body {background-image: url ('your / image / location / image.jpg'); Background repeat: do not repeat; Background attachment: fixed; }  

There are several ways to do this and I was giving you quick notes to use the background-attachment, not the whole CSS for the changes.


I think what this is. This is not accountability because the size of the image varies because it changes shape. Try to shape the width of your browser, but maintain the same height. The reason for this is that the image can not stretch and shape at the same time. This will maintain the correct aspect ratio so that it does not get distorted. There is a very fast and easy fix for this, that in a photo editor, a black shield will be inserted very much below that image. This shows that it is fading in the background of the site and it will be more cleaner than the hard work on the floor. This can make things even more legible, since there should not be a location view in the background of that small size. Apart from this, I am not sure how to adjust it, and if this happens, then it will have to mess with that picture to reach the bottom.

I have got some posts where people talk about various solutions but there is not much information about it. Look around or see if someone has any ideas.

Apart from this, I'm not sure how


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