Return multiple row numbers for a particular value in one column in Excel -

I have a column A date (month, day, year) in ascending order. I want to identify row number in column A along with 1980, line number with 1981, etc.

I thought if I would make another column in the first year in which only the year (because I don`t need month and day), and then use a formula that is specific Will call the row number of cells containing the year.

With match formula, it returns only 1 row number; I want to call all the line numbers that have a specific year.

You can try it, assuming that you are in column 1 of your year 1A Keep it in Cell B1:

  = MATCH (1980, A1: A990)  

and in cell B2 this is: B10 :

  = IF (ISNUMBER (MATCH (1980, indirect ("A" and text (B1 + 1, "0") & amp; ": A10"), 0) + B1), Match (1980, Indirect ("A" and Text (B1 + 1, "0") and ": A10"), 0) + B1, "")  < / Pre> 


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