perl INC content -

after text

I'm a newbie in Pearl.
Perl is loading libraries from a particular location (@ .inc) to execute the following executables
For me to know: For help: Forums: OSNAME = Linux, osvers = 2.6

 < Summary of code> $ Pearl V my perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 1) configuration. 9-68.9.lsmp, archname = x86_64-linux uname = 'linux xxxxxx01 2.6.9-68.9.lsmp # 1 SMP Tuesday January 29 09:49:28 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux' ** config_args = '- D -Dprefix = / Home / / / perl_5.10.1 '** sign = recommended, useposix = true, d_sigaction = defined useithreads = undef, usemultiplicity = undef useperlio = define, d_sfio = undef, uselargefiles = define , Usesocks = undef use64bitint = define, use64bitall = define, uselongdouble = undef usemymalloc = n, bincompat5005 = undef  

Specify the config_args when and how exactly was it.
It was during this Pearl installation on this host?
Appreciate Tee Support.

It was determined when your Perl was configured - i.e., Perl executable also compiled first. This default @ ing path has been compiled in the copy of your copy; Unless you re-compile Perl, it will always be part of your Perl's default INC.

It is still possible to change the INC at run time, it is just a plain old array, do you shift , push , pop Manipulate with standard array operations such as , additions , etc.


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