linux - BASH: grep/awk/sed to extract variable data -
UPDATE I need to make it clear that Jon8RFC-LT and DOMAIN are just normal for dynamic content Examples are such as IP address and MAC address; Retrieves nmblookup based on IP address and displays full dynamic content If awk is used, then I should have a way to draw 4 dynamic values from nmblookup: IP, hostname / asset name, domain name, mac Address Sorry for the confusion, I updated the code to make it more clear.
I have been searching and using my Linux book for a few days and I do not know what I want awk / gawk / grep / examplerep / Sed (I think I have one or more of these I need to:
su_nmblookup = $ (nmblookup-A $ ipaddress)
which returns < / P>
Warning: "idmap backend" option has been removed Added interface eth0 ip = a07d :: a07d: a07d: a07d: a07d% eth0 bcast = b57d :: ffff: ffff: Ffff: ffff% eth0 netmask = fff: ffff: Ffff: ffff :: added interface eth1 ip = b57d :: b57d: b57d: b57d: b57d% eth1 bcast = a07d :: ffff: ffff: ffff: ffff% eth1 netmask = ffff: ffff: ffff: ffff :: Added interface eth0 Ip = bcast = netmask = socket opened. Given the status of, Zone 8 RFC-LT & lt; 00 & gt; - B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; DOMAIN & lt; 00 & gt; - & lt; Group & gt; B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; Joan 8 RFC-LT & LTF; 20> - B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; DOMAIN & lt; 1e & gt; - & lt; Group & gt; B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; MAC Address = 4F-A2-4F-A2-4F-A2
The best I have managed, cutting it down with this code :
display = $ {su_nmblookup / # * looking / searching}
Search for the status of JON8RFC -LT & lt; 00 & gt; - B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; DOMAIN & lt; 00 & gt; - & lt; Group & gt; B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; Joan 8 RFC-LT & LTF; 20> - B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; DOMAIN & lt; 1e & gt; - & lt; Group & gt; B & lt; ACTIVE & gt; MAC address = 4F-A2-4F-2-4F-A2
However, what do I want to know is that any of these clean formats How to do it again I would like to know that grep / awk / sed works with extracting data with these two instances, with one and only new lines to preserve formatting. I had a hell of a time, even getting quoted / coding to work properly due to formatting and GT / LT symbols!
Viewing the status of, Zone 8 RFC-LT DOMAIN 4F-A2-4F-A2-4F-A2
Or, just
JON8RFC-LT DOMAIN Thank you for your help!
code = awk / / {print} / JON8RFC-LT / {If (a! = 1) {print "\ t" $ 1; A = 1}} / DOMAIN / {if (b! = 1) is searching for the status as {print "\ t" $ 1; B = 1}} / MAC address / {print "\ t" $ 4} "input.txtupdated the regenerator suggested to be low :
awk / / / {print} / JON8RFC-LT / & amp; ! One {print "\ t" $ 1; A = 1} / DOMAIN / & amp; Amp;
Print ">> <123>
awk / /, / MAC address / {print; gateline, print "\ t" $ 1; gateline, Print "\ t" $ 1; gateline; gateline; gateline; gateline; print "\ t" $ 4; exit 0} 'input.txt
follows the lines on two lines
Searching ...
You want the first word then ignores three rows and then MAC addresses Micro print.
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