java - Invoking Methods Error -

I am starting a Java in Java when trying to run this program with "Logic 1" (in netbens) argument Or do I have the following message? File name is Can someone help me?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Incompatible source code - unreported exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; Should be put in the media or declared. Mine (Media.Java 23) Java Result: 1

  import java.lang.reflect.Method; Public Sector Media {Public Boolean Test 1 (String) {System.out.println (s); Back true; } Public int test2 (strings) {return 0; } Public Boolean test 3 (strings) {return true; } Public static zero main (string ... args) {class   

  Try {class <& lt;? & Gt; C = Class.forName (Args [0]); Object T = C. NY instances (); Method [] allMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods (); For (method m: allMethods) {string mname = m.getName (); If (! Mname.equals ("main")) {System.out.println ("affiliate" + mname); Object o = m.inoc (t, agr [1]); System.out.println ("return value" + oostustring ()); }}} Hold (ClassNotFoundException e) {// TODO Automatic Generating Holding Block e.printStackTrace (); } Grip (InstantiationException E) {// TODO auto generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IllegalAccessException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Cache Block e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (illegal illegal exception E) {// TODO self-generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (InvocationTargetException e) {// TODO Automatic Generating Holding Block e.printStackTrace (); }  


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