coffeescript - textarea limit to 250 words jquery -

Hello there is a way to limit words in the text, such as using maxlength The same function is only with the use of Jquery or coffeescript and keyboard function because I need to display an exact counter. I am searching around but there can be no way to do this. I have tried to do this but it is on the keyboard and it allows the user to paste more than 250 words.

  $ (document) .on "keypress", '#company_desc', (e) - & gt; S = $ ("# company_desc"). Val () s = s.replace (/ (^ \ s *) | (\ s * $) / g, "") s = s.replace (/ [] {2 ("counter"). Html (250 Count = "s / s," ") = s.replace (/ \ n /," \ n ") count = s.split (" "remaining word") if calculation == 250 key = (if E. Kakrod then E.Corcard other (if E. Kikode then E. Kekod Others 0)) switch key when e.ctrlKey & amp; Key == key [CTRL_A] Then come back to the truth when E.Control & amp; Amp; Key == key [CTRL_C] Then come back true when e.ctrlKey & amp; Amp; Key == key [CTRL_X] then return true when e.ctrlKey & amp; Amp; Key == key [CTRL_Z] then return actual and return key == 46 || Key == 8  

Add the etter "Mactallum" to your textare

< P> Try it out

  $ ("Your Texter ID and Category"). Ether ("Maxlemth", 250);  


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