android - OnKeyListener and onEditorAction not working when using swype -

I am trying to deposit functionality in an editable text when you press the enter / return key on soft keyboard in your app.

et.setOnEditorActionListener (new EditText.OnEditorActionListener)

The following code works using standard keyboards, but not with swype keyboard. () {@ Override Public Boolean On Editor Action (TextView, Int Action Id, Key Event Event) {Log D. (Tag, "Entry was pressed"); Add Comment (); Return true;}});

The method is not called at all. Is this just a limit of swaps? Or am I doing something wrong? If it is a range of Swepe, so I could be how it around, I saw that the other apps, and it works using my swype keyboard

My editing text layout Defined as:

  & lt; EditText android: id = "@ + id / comment_edit_text" Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: inputType = "textMultiLine" Android: signal = "@ string / Tippni_hint" Android: Visibility went = " "/>  was a design decision 

I think this swap (and maybe even Google) is . Actually, if editing text is multi-level, you can not override the Enter key, because you can expect a new line by pressing Enter. So it really is a UX, which I think is

Actually I comment was to add additional buttons to submit


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