bash - Pig installation in Cygwin -

I've installed Hadoop 2.3.0 in windows successfully, but trying to install pig using cygwin , I am stuck together in an error that

  pig-version of cygpath says: C can not make a name short: \ pig \ log error: looks or could not load Main class org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar  

and my party variables here

  export JAVA_HOME = / cygdrive / c / java / jdk1.7.0 _4 5 Export Path = $ Path: $ JAVA_HOME / bin Export HADOOP_HOME = / cygdrive / C / Hadoop Export Path = $ Path: $ HADOOP_HOME / bin Export PIG_HOME = / cygdrive / C / Pig Export Path = $ Path: $ PIG_HOME / bin  

Can anyone help me get this error?

Updated:? If I add HADOOP_CLASSPATH as the bottom,

  exported HADOOP_CLASSPATH = $ (cygpath -pw $ (Hadoop classpath)): $ HADOOP_CLASSPATH  

I am getting a different error as <

  14/04/29 10:41:42 error util.Shell: winutils failed to find binary in haup binary p at Ath : Could not find executable tap \ bin \ winutils.exe in Hadoop binaries.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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