exception - thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException -

Trying to run a job, but I am getting this error. I do not know how to solve it, is there something missing? What's wrong here?

This is in my shell

  [cloudera @ localhost home] $ hadoop jar cloudera / MinMaxCountDriver.jar MinMaxCount / user / cloudera / Comments.xml / user / cloudera / SuperUserXML /  

This is the error I received Exceptions in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MinMaxCount ... Java.lang.Class.forName0 at (original method) on org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main at java.lang.Class.forName (Class Java to 2007) (RunJar.java20001)

< P> Here is my driver

  Public square MinMaxCountDriver {Public static zero main throws exception ([args] string {configuration c Onf = new configuration ()); String [] otherArgs = new generic option parser (conf, args). GetRemainingArgs (); If (OtherAg.Lamp! = 2) {System.err.println ("You need 2 agreement"); System.exit (2); } ... FileInputFormat.addInputPath (job, new path (other article [0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath (job, new path (other article [1]); System.exit (job.waitForCompletion (true)? 0: 1); }}  

[package mapred design] in each class of .jar; at top.

Depending on your comments, make sure that you fully qualify your class name with the package, otherwise Java will not know where to find it.

  Thaip Jar Claudera / MinimaxCountDriver.jpg MapRedDesignManMaxCount / User / Clider / Comet. XML / User / Cloudera / SuperUuser XML /  


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