ember.js - Observe @each and get updated item -

I'm looking for a controller property (an object) with @each in your scene. Every time, @each changes, I want to know, the item has changed.

Is there a way to figure it out?

  Docket.OrganizationView = Ember.View.extend ({chartObserver: function () {console.log (THE_ITEM_OF_CHARTDATA_THAT_HAS_CHANGED)} .observes ( '. Controller.chartData @ all')});  

You can define the properties of your controller.

: Creates a calculated property that runs on partial arrays and it "is updated with" words at a time.

  Ember.ArrayController.extend ({changedContent: Ember array Computed ( "content. @ Each. Name", {Added items: function (Array, items, Priwartnmeta, Instamenteta) {array. Clear (); array. pushObject (item); return Arar;} deleted items: function (array, items, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {array.clear (); array.pushObject (item); return array;}}) });  


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