c# - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime from DateTimePicker -

I get his error at hnddate (hidden field value is coming from time picker at time ):

  date time start date   

string not recognized as a valid date time Was there. = GetFirstDayOfWeek (convert toDateTime (hdndate.Value)). Addition (0); DateTime WeekDate = WeekStartDate Admission (14);

The query is in dated 2014/04/28 and the date picture (hnddate) is in the format 28/04/2014, which starts by comparing a column in the database.

Assume that hdndate.value is actually a string and its value Change it to:

  Convert toDateTime (hdndate.Value)  

With this:

  DateTime.SpeaceExact (HDNDT value, "DD / MM / YYY", Culture Info. InverterTech);  
< Hr>

Allows you to specify the exact format of your input string, so that it can properly correct DateTime could arise in this case, your format is dd / MM / yyyy .


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