3 Layer Dropdown Winforms C# -

conditional dropdown

If you select T1, then T2 will only be based on T1 values Should reflect and if you have chosen

__________ | __________ | & Lt; - Selection 1 - T1 __________ | __________ | & Lt; - Selection 2 - T2 __________ | __________ | & Lt;

My data will appear like this

This data comes from a data source and will be given below

  T1 - App T2 - Adobe T3 - Flash ----- ----------- T1 - App T2 - Adobe T3 - Dreamweaver ----------- ---- T1 - App T2 - Adobe T3 - Photoshop ------ --------- T1 - App T2 - Microsoft T3 - Word ------- -------- T1 - Application T2 - Microsoft T3 - Excel  

Then with the above data you can apply on T1 If you choose T2 should either Adobe o Microsoft and if you choose one of them, it will only show the relevant T3 to T2

would appreciate any help.


 Autopostback = true 
for the first two dropdowns and set your Take care of the selected index chunked events. On page load events, drop down before the following types.

 dd1.Items.Add (new list item ("app", "0")); Dd1.Items.Add (new list item ("ABC", "1")); 

Then use the following code on the dd1_SelectedIndexChanged event

 Secure void dd1_SelectedIndexChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If ddl.selectedindex = 0 then {dd2.Items.Add (New ListItem ("Adobe", "0")); Dd2.Items.Add (new list item ("Microsoft", "1")); }} 

and so on ..


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