android - Get user_like and can_like for a post on facebook -

I am trying to get user_like and can_like for facebook_f using Facebook SDK on Android.

When I am setting the field to limit the amount of data like below, then I am unable to get those standards.

prefix fieldsBundle.putString ("Fields", "Like. Limit (4) .smuri (1), comments.limit (4) .surf (1)");

However, when I do not specify a field, I get user_like and can_like within the object I want to select, for some entries it is necessary to restrict the data so that my application does not exceed 1000 comments data .

Anyone having this problem? Is there a choice to get the number of comments for a post and a can_like status at the same time? (Keeping in mind that I do not want all comments, such as data, once)

As far as I know that the can_like field is available only through the like_info object of the stream FQL table, and through the graph API No.

You choose it from a certain post via

  like_info from where post_ id = "{post_id}"  


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