php - Latest Version of MAMP errors on Mcrypt extension with Laravel update -

I am having a general problem with the composer update in Laravel. I am using the latest MMP install and it seems that this is using mmp php. However, the 'php' returns

  php: / applications / mamp / bin / php / php5.5.10 / bin / php  

, mamp php The information shows that mcrypt is running, but when I update a composer, then it fails on 'composer update'

  MacPass PHP extension is required to create automatic files The script php artisan is clear-compiled in the post-update-CMD event with an error  

, so any autoload files generated Being o. how to fix?

You can correct this problem by doing the following:

Open and run a terminal:

Alias ​​Php = '/ applications / MAMP / bin / php / php5.4.19 / bin / php'

** Re-activate

php -i | Grep mcrypt


mcrypt support => enabled

Composer should now work

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