node.js - Node JS: with multiple childs -
I am developing a server with a node JS, where I make more than one child with chrome Open an html
<("Chromium-Browser", ['RasmidiaVoicesOvim's']); Child.on ('exit', pre & gt; function () {res.writeHead (200, "0K", {'content-type': 'text / plain'}); res.end ();}); });This HTML has a communication with the server:
io.on ("connection", function (socket) { ('/ Play video', function (rik, ridge) {socket.emit ("playvideo"); res.writeHead (200, "0K", {'content-type': 'text / plain'}); res. End ("content type ':' text / text '),' apopost '(' / pause video ', function (rick, ridge)) {socket.emit (" pausevideo "); res.writeHead (200," 0k "side '}); res.end ();});
My problem is here if I create 2 childs_process with the code shown above I'm both chrome windows They are executed well but only taking events (works fine). Secondly, do not respond to any incident: S I have all children events? / Strong>
Here is a script for HTML handling events:
var socket = io.connect ('http: // localhost: 3434'); On the socket (" PauseVideo ", function () {player.pause ();}); Socket.on (" playvideo ", function () { ();});
Thank you for your time.
You are calling the socket in those tasks which will only send to the calling socket. Instead try something like that.
App post ('/ play video', function (rik, ridge) {io.sockets.emit ("playvideo"); res.writeHead (200, "0K", {'content -type: 'text / plain'}); res.end ();}); ('/ pausevideo', function (req, res) {io.sockets.emit ("pausevideo"); res.writeHead (200, "0K", {'Content-type': 'text / plain'} ); Res.end ();}); Io.on ("connection", function (socket) {// handle event}
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