sql - Return setof record with 1 row -

I am changing a PLPGSQL function and I have a small problem. Post announcements:

  Create or replace function permissions (_prinsl text) SETOF records $ BODY $ DECLARE ID integer: = 0; Rolero record;  

In this case, in some cases, if is handled by statements, and all of them, return UNION is 1 For more queries, such as:

  for roller (select SELECT 'role1' as role from WHERE id = table1.id) union (form of selection from table 2 Select 'role2') WHERE id = table2.id) UNION (selection as role3 'Table 3 WHERE id = role from table3.id)) LOOP RETURN Next Rolero; End loop; Return;  

And it all works well, but in one case, I need to return a single query result, it will be a SETOF record , but only with 1 before, so I did it so:

  the (selection Rolero for 'role table as 4' 4 WHERE id = table4.id) LOOP RETURN NEXT Rolero; End loop; Return;  

I also tried

Returns the choice of QUERY as 'role4' table 4 WHERE id = table4.id;

But in both cases I get an error similar to the response:

  Error: the structure of the query does not match the result type of the function Description: Returned The type given does not match the expected type of text in unknown column 1. Do anyone have any idea how can I fix this? 

You need a clear cast for the string ' Unlike the type 4 ( "unknown") you type:

  SELECT 'role4'  By:   AS role ... Usually, looping is more expensive for your simple examples as if you have already tested it. 


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