jpa 2.0 - JPQL query syntax exception -

I am trying to run the following question:

  new Choose edipo. Join esclo SA, such as Risaltado (et, AGLE.SL.Aklaho), resolocae again and again on Radiolucco = ESID Resoluco. Join Alternativa on Al.A.Alentativaa = es.idAlternativa at Qu.idQuestao = al.idQuestao to bring QuetaoEtiqueta qe. Questao = qu.idQuestao join proportion and et.idEtiqueta = qe.idEitiqueta where es.blSelecionada = 1 and re.idAvalacao =: idAvaliacao and re.idUsurario =: IDUsUU group at Aids etivata   

But I'm getting the following error:

  Reason by: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Unexpected token: On Line 1, column 14 9 [ Edipo.ada.entity.Resultado (and, vlCalculado as avg (es.vlEscolha)) join es to retrieve Resoluos again. Join Redoluca = es.idResolucao FECH Alter Nativa al on = es.idAlternativa Join qu.idQuestao = al.idQuestao at Quetoquo Quito at Quitoitequita qe on qe.idQuestao = qu.idQuestao Join and Get et.idEtiqueta = qe.idEitiqueta where es.blSelecionada = 1 and again. IDEAICOO = ID ID and RIDEUSROR = IDUSERU group at AIDS etiqueta]  

According to this, the error is on 149 ( ".

I am on JBS AS7 I am using JPA 2.0.

In fact the problem is with the ON keyword As it is not used in JPQL. Try changing your query like this:

  Escolha Es to new (et, Selection of the average (es.vlEscolha) Do) Get Resolucao re join me Altrnatiwa should join Al and meet Attiviatta to join Kvestoitikvita Qi and where es.blSelecionada = 1 and re.idAvalacao =: idAvaliacao and re.idUsurario =: idUsuario group et.dsEtiqueta from < / Code> 


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