- PFUser refreshWithKey? -

Then I have my currentUser in my user class there are some pointers on the first load Are not included. At some point I need them later

I understand that I can only get the indicator from currentUser and then query for that object. However, I wanted to include that key in the / user object so that I can use it at this time and later.

I do not see any method in parse docs so the only way I can imagine doing this is if I just have a different user query, includeKey , and then the recovered object to current user [/ code>. .

Still, I'm doing a lot in this app and I wonder if there is some feature method in the Pars API that I'm missing - something like refresh with Method

If there are indicators in your user category, then you can use fetchIfNeeded on them:

  PFObject * address = [PFUser currentUser] [@ "address"]; [Address fetchIfNeeded];  

or with a block:

  [address fetchIfNeededInBackgroundWithBlock: ^ (PFObject * object, NSError * error) {NSString * street = address [@ road "];}];  


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