SolrMeter only works with default Solr core (collection1) -
I have installed a 4.7.1 solver. It already comes with the following core: / example / SLR / archive 1
I added the following core: / example / SLR / iambacket
I want to test Solar's performance SolrMeter But I am not able to see the solar meter in the IBCKC core. Even the one that I have tried is:
I entered
< / Li>http: // localhost: 8983 / solr
Since I only want to use the Inboxcut core, I took one collection into the 1 back up folder.
Problem: Solarmeters are not able to locate a Solr instance at this place, therefore, all solar meter buttons (such as the play button and "optimize now" buttons were in red). To fix this problem, from the menu bar, I have selected Edit> Settings in the "Query Settings" tab, for the field "URL Solar", I have changed the URL after it: http: / / Localhost: 8983 / solr / itembuckets
I have also changed this to the value "Url Solar" field under the "Updates Settings" tab.
When I click OK to save this change, all game buttons turn green. Therefore the Solarometer should be able to find a Solar example at the given address. But when I click the play button in the "Query Console" section to start the load trial, I am not able to execute a successful query. Instead, I keep the following error in the error log: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: on the server http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / itembuckets
not back OK status: 400 , Message: Bad Request
I have verified the following link return status as "OK": http: // localhost: 8983 / solr / itembuckets / admin / ping
What do I have to do to set up a solar meter with my new core (inbankets)?
Try to hit Apply and then OK. I am using Solar 4.8 and it works for me.
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