I followed the instructions for downloading WMI for Python When I try to run the code for C.Win32_Service (StartMode = "Auto", state = "Stopped") import wmi c = wmi.WMI (): if Raw_input ("restart% s?"% S.Caption) .upper () == "Y": s.StartService () I got the error traceback (most recent call end): file ". \", Line 1, edit: I am using Python 2.7.6 EDIT2: I am running 64-bit Windows 2008 R2, and I've downloaded WMI-1.4.9.zip (md5). I removed the content and put it in D: Python \ Tools \ Scripts I executed dragon setup.py.install I said D : \ Python \ tools \ scripts to% PATH% and when I execute the code for C.Win32_Service (StartMode = "Auto", state = "Stopped") import wmi c = Wmi.WMI (): If raw_input ("Restart% s?"% S. Caption). () == "Y": s.StartService () error me Gets traceback (most recent call final): File ". See \", line 1, & lt; Modu...
I am working on the terminal on a shell script after this tutorial SQLAlchemy tutorial. I need to type gt; & Gt; & Gt; Sqlalchemy import column, integer, string & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Class user (base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = column (integer, primary_key = true) name = column (string) absolute name = column (string) password = column (string) def __repr __ (self): return "& lt ; User (name = '% s', absolute name = '% s', password = '% s') & gt; "% (Self.name, self.fullname, self.password) After the problem I have typed the password = column (string) I hit twice and changed .... >> I then took everything back but then an error was thrown because the class already exists ... I am not completely sure how to fix it. How do I open that slip in the shell script and edit it (Add DF to DRR) The error thrown below: / user / giripeters / TFSQLLX / Lib / python2.7 / site-packages / sqlalchemy / ext / decla...
I am trying to create a GUI with a plot and a slider. The slider should be described as continuously and output. I have a problem with this explanation that the uicontrol object is programmatically created, on the contrary, I want to know that in the last three instances, to complete the same thing done according to the program What can be added to a GUI file that is created. The code is down, and I have marked the (wrong) code that is provided by some of the above examples. Thanks a lot for any help! This slider function sets P1_slider_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handle) (handle, dragon, 'string', num2str (get (hObject, 'value'), 3)) PlottheData_Callback ( HOBject, EventData, Handle)% "PlotHeadata" is a button that creates the data slider based on the value of P1_slider%, and I think that here "p1_slider_CreateFcn" (hObject, eventdata, handle) needs to be assembled (HOBJECT, 'BackgroundRoller'), (0, 'Default UITTACKBACK MANDROLLE...
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