php - Laravel not displaying special UTF8 characters on 'public' server -
I have just started working with Laravel, working with PHP; MySQL is now for some years now, and has just come across a problem which I could not seem to solve.
I have a new shop, which I have just built in Laravel, sitting on my development server, my development database.
In addition to that I have a CMS system, which is in my own structure, is connected to the public database on my public server.
And now I have uploaded my lavarlal yet to the end of my public server store front end connected to the public database.
Both developmant front end (Larezel) and public CMS (my framework) both work fine, but display special characters in public front end (larval):
5 The "x 7" magnetic frame shows as
5â € x 7â € magnetic frame
But I'm at a loss, except for the database name, host, user name and environment variable possessing, development and public system There is no difference between. Public CMS system also shows the same letter correctly, so the database should be fine too. (I just duplicate the databse for direct development.)
Here is the connection array:
'connections' = & gt; Array ('default' = & gt; array ('driver' = & gt; 'mysql', 'host' = & gt; $ _ENV ['CONN'] ['db host'], 'database' = & gt; $ _ENV ['CONN'] ['db dbse'], 'username' => $ _ENV ['con'] ['db user'], 'password' => $ _ENV ['CNN'] [ 'Db pass'],' charset '=> gt; utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'prefix' =>,),),
Any ideas or suggestions will be most welcome!
Add it to your HTML
& lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt;
This may be the default for utf-8 on your local environment if it is not specified and for some reason or another, in the production environment.
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