Adding scores to game using cocos2d-x -

I am making a game in cocos2d-x and I am trying to add scores to my game. First I declared a score variable and set the value to 0. While doing this, while using the loop I used the loop in the value of 1, and showed me the score using printf but it is not working. Please help me with some code.

  Int Score; Socrates = 0 {printf ("% d", score); } While (score> = 0)  

If you have your score graphically

  1. Make a cocos2d :: Label , see the documentation.
  2. Set its value: label-> setString (Std :: to_string (score));
  3. addChild (label, 1); In your layer code where it is understood.
  4. label-> Set-position (...)

There are several types of label types and constructors that you can use, look upwards Use:

This is a simple example using one of the consultants given here:

  cocos2d :: LabelBMFont * label = cocos2d :: LabelBMFont :: create (std :: to_string) (Score), "marker imposed"); Label-> SetAlignment (Cocos2d :: TextHAlignment :: center); AddChild (label, 0); Label-> SetPosition (...);  

When you need to update the score, as it changes, then do something like this:

  _label-> setstring (std :: to_string (score));  


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