matlab - Plotting many lines as a heatmap -

I have a large number of files (~ 1000) from a data logger that I'm trying to process.

If I want to plot the trend from one of these log files, then I can do this by using

  plot (time-value, data volumes)  

I would like to be able to see all these rows in a similar way at the same time, how an oscilloscope has "continuous" mode.

oscilloscope diapple

Maybe I'm using something like histogram I can combine things, but hoping that this problem is a pre-existing or more elegant solution.

You are suggesting yourself, that is, in order to plot the hematomap of signals, may do.

Consider the following: I will build test signals (out of the sine waves of different dimensions), then through i hist3 and imagesc I'll plot the heatmap.

This idea is to create a supporting signal that is a combination of all your time history (both in x and y ), and then the original Beavette removes statistics that

 % # test signal xx = 0: .01: 2 * pi; Center = 1; Eps_ = .2; Amps = linspace (center - EPS_, center + EPS_, 100); % # Helpers will be stored in the following variables yy = []; Xx_f = []; A = amps xx_f = [xx_f, xx] for; Yy = [yy a * sin (xx)]; End% # Last heat map colormap (hot) [n, c] = hist 3 ([xx_f 'yy'], [100 100]); Imagesc (C {1}, C {2}, N ')  

 Enter image details here

For readability also, can use hot instead of colormap in the following dimension is Gaussian instead of homogeneus .

Enter image details here


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