Issues running CAMEL JAR file built in windows using Eclipse when run in Linux command line using JAVA or MVN command -

  I have created a camel project with Elypes Mevern dependencies  

It ran successfully and it also went to the jar file and went from command prompt which is running as needed, but when I moved the jar file to our linux machine, which is like a job manager server and when I run the jr file below I try to get the error message below. Is obtained.

  When I try to run with the command given below $ java -jar mycamelproject I am getting the error below, but I have dependency dependency down in the dependency-jar folder. Thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception: java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0 (Native Method java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods on org / springframework / C java.lang.Class in) ( on .getMethod0 java.lang.Class.getMethod ( sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.getMainMethod ( on sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain ( (LauncherHelper . Java: 486) caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ( $ ( on org.springframework at $ 355) (Native method ( java.lang.ClassLoader.loadC on sun.misc.Launcher lass ( $ AppClassLoader.loadClass ( Ader.loadClass ( on java.lang.ClassLo on ... 6 and then I walk down command try $ Mvn -X executive Java -Dexec.mainClass = mycamelpackage.mycamelmainclass I like the [debug] as local (/ metadata at org.codehaus.mojo / Maven-metadata.xml could not find errors went below Remote update check for /ec2-user/.m2/repository) [DEBUG] org.codehaus.mojo / maven-metadata.xml is being checked, this is already updated during this session. [Warning] org.codehaus.mojo /  

was cached in the local repository, unless the update's interval of the central time would be reattempted or transfer Maven-metadata.xml Failure to comply with the update is compromised Basic error: Metadata could not move org.codehaus.mojo / maven-metadata.xml to / (in central (): no plugins found for prefix 'Exec' in existing project

and plugins available from the repositories In the math [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]

If a classpath set If not, then java -jar mycamelproject should work? And mycamelproject should be a jar file (and if it is, you should add the * jar extension.)

In addition, I think your Local Maven repositories can be corrupted. Generally the reason for this is that you will not be retried for resolution error message The easiest way to fix this is to remove corrupt directories and start Maven again.


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