ios - In-app purchase rejected -
My app has been rejected due to the following issue: Incorrectly applicable receipt verification, so it is fine between reviews (Sandbox) Environment and Production Environment
Everything works well on my sandbox environment even though it is not even sure why this is happening. I have attached my code here, I hope someone can help me remember what I can remember. This code is triggered when the transaction inspector receives the payment queue call.
#ifdef DEBUG #define STORE_URL @ "" #endif #ifdef Release # DEFINE STORE_URL @ "https: //buy.itunes. "#endif - (zero) can be retrieved JSONReceipt: (NSDT *) receipt and transaction: (SKPMant transaction *) transaction {// Receive JSON receipt NSError * error; NSDictionary * requestContents = @ {@ "Receipt-Data": [Receipt base64EncodedStringWithOptions: 0]}; NSDTa * RequestData = [NSJSNAsilizationDatwidthssonAbject: RequestAdvance Options: 0 Error: and Error]; If (! RequestData) {NSLog (@ "Error with a requestData:% @", [error localized description]); } // Create a post request with receipt NSData NSURL * storeURL = [NSURL URLWithString: STORE_URL]; NSMutableURLRequest * storeRequest = [NSMutableURL request request withURL: storeURL]; [StoreRequest Set HTTP Method: @ "Post"]; [StoreRequest set httpBBD: request data]; Zero (^ ClosingHandler) (NSDTA *, NSRRRSports *, NSERR * *); Complete handler = ^ (NSDT * data, NSRRSpons * response, NSERR * error) {If (error!) {NSDRIATION * JSN Response = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: data option: 0 error: and error]; If (! Jason Response) {NSG (@ "Error:% @", [Error localization]]; } And {if ([Valid JSONReceipt: jsonResponse]) {[buy self verification buy: jsonResponse [@ "receipt"] and transaction: transaction]; } And {[auto delete HUD]; }}}}; [[[NSURL session sharing session] Dataset with request: Store fulfillment complete handler: complete handler] resume]; }
This is a screenshot that I had retrieved from Apple. Make sure what they are trying to indicate here if I am logged into the normal account, should I see something like "I do not have this account test user account"?
< / Html>
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