Error: showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection when Trying to Get Picture From Camera Android -

At this time I want to ask about my code below, it is simple to capture photo / photo from camera in Android Code, but the code is not working, this is my code below.

  package; Import; Import android App Import android.content.Intent; Import Bitmap; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android Prozar Mediastore; Import android.util.log; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.ImageView; Public class CreateData_Camera activity extension (personal button btCamera; personal image view ivCamera; personal static final string TAG = CreateData_Camera.class.getSimpleName (); Private static final integer CAMERA_REQUEST_CODE = 7777; @ Override Protected Zero Create (Bundle Saved InstantState) {Super.watcount (savedinstenstate); setContentView (R.layout.activity_camera); Btakemera = (button) Find VVBID (RID.bTACAMERA); IvCamera = (ImageView) findViewById (; btCamera.setOnClickListener ( New OnClickLi Stener () {@Override Public Zero onClick (see v) {After intentions = the new meaning (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); // After taking a picture with the camera, the code below is not working, // Below the intent The code has not been sent to, // Then I got a warning in my lockback: It says that // on the passive input connection on showStatusIcon, when the camera is trying to start Android, reaction (intent, CAMERA_REQUEST_CODE);}}) ;} @ Override public at zero Ivetivtilt (Int Anurodkod, Inc. resulting code, meaning data) {super.onActivityResult (requestCode, resultCode, data); Switch (requestcode) {case (CAMERA_REQUEST_CODE): if (resultCode == activity. RESULT_OK) {bitmap bitmap; Bitmap = (bitmap) data .getExtras (). Receive ("data"); IvCamera.setImageBitmap (bitmap); }         break; }}}  

This is my logic:

  04-29 12: 00: 23.040: d / dalvikum (275 9): GC_XPLICIT 181 free K, 52% free 6927K / 14308K, paused 2ms + 4ms, total 25ms 04-29 Dec: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno200-EGL (27,599): & lt; QeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize: 265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Construction: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. _msm8960_JB_2.5_CL3744273_release_AU (CL3744273) 04-29 Dec: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno200-EGL (27599): Construction Date: 06/30 / 13 Sun 04-29 Dec: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno200-EGL (27599): Local Branch: 04-29 12: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno 200-EGL (27599): Remote Branch: Quik / JB_2 .5 04-29 12: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno 200-EGL (27599): Local Patch: Any 4-29 Dec: 00: 35.233: I / Adreno200-EGL (27,599): Regrouped Branch : AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + anything 4-29 December: 00: 43.662: W / IInputConnectionWrapper (27599): sho Inactive input connection on wStatusIcon  

Can anyone help me with this problem? I really confused with this warning, I really need help about this matter thanks


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